Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all of you awesome moms out there!

I had a great day!!!! Ty and Daddy bought me some beautiful yellow flowers in a blue vase and also a Royals jersey (Soria). He is one of my favorite players! I also am getting Royals tickets for Friday nights game that Greinke is pitching in! YEAH!

I am most grateful for my little Ty! Words cannot explain how much joy that boy has brought to Bobby and I.

I thank God for choosing me to be Ty's mommy.....

Happy Mother's Day! And GO ROYALS!!!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I think both you and Ty got one heckuva deal! Happy to see you had a wonderful Mother's Day. We did too spending it drenched in drool and twisted in gales of giggles - O'ville is the best place to be!