Thursday, August 21, 2008

So it's been awhile!

I know, I know....I haven't posted pics in awhile! It's been crazy around our house (like it always is)! I PROMISE I will get some new pics posted in the next day or two so you all can see what I've been up to!

We started practice for Fall Ball. YEAH, baseball is back! Our team has some new faces and it's really fun to see the kids interact. Bobby started his new shift at SCPD (dogwatch) and it's going wonderful! He really likes it and it's nice to know in the back of my mind that his patrol is so close to our home.

I am getting ready for my fall & Christmas rush! I love this time of year because the temperatures are cooling down and it's fun to get outside to do sessions!

I will post more on this in the next couple weeks....but for those of you who are thinking Christmas pictures, cards, etc.....start looking at your calendar and give me a call! I already have people booking and the days will fill up fast! If you are wanting the Fall leaves....historically, mid-late October/early November has been the prettiest.

We hope everyone is doing great! Enjoy the rest of your week!

1 comment:

Mama's Ramblings said...

I already have you booked!! YEAH!! I just need to know what to plan for Chase in a few weeks...outfits...any special items I need to bring...ECT.

If you want, we can use the items that Jenn is giving you for a few pics. It doesn't matter to me. :-)

See ya in a few weeks.