Monday, June 30, 2008

this & that....

I haven't updated in I thought I would let everyone know that Ty is feeling much better. I guess he really did have some strange summer virus! After 2 straight days of Motrin - he finally broke his fever last Monday afternoon. I got back in my work mode last week and will have some new pics to post soon of some recent sessions (so stay tuned)!

I am so excited about the upcoming 4th of July! It's my favorite holiday next to Christmas! I'm not sure what we are doing yet - but hopefully it will be fun (Bobby has the 4th off, for the first time in forever)!

Bobby and I are working on some new studio set-ups in my basement! It is so cool! We got some wood flooring put in one corner of the basement (it's beautiful). I will also have a dedicated Hi-Key backdrop (that means white backdrop/flooring), and then another section that will have cool brick flooring with a textured wall. I am hoping it will be done fairly soon (especially since I have sessions next week)! The only thing that may not be done for a few more weeks is my brick flooring/textured wall corner- I am seeking help from my friend Bridget on my wall (she is an expert painter) and I am still trying to find the brick floor design that I like the best!! ;)

Other than that, nothing new going on in my world! Hope everyone else is doing great!

1 comment:

Mama's Ramblings said...

Are the guys getting together for the 4th this year? Jeremy is off on the 3rd, but not on the 4th. Let us know. I will try to find a sitter. We would love to see everyone again!!