Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Welcome to my blog!

Well, I have finally joined the world of bloggers! I am hoping to use this blog to share images from my sessions and also mix in some personal stuff! I think this will be a fun way to record the ins/outs of my business and life. Thanks for looking and I hope you come back and visit my blog again!

1 comment:

Mama's Ramblings said...

YYEEEAAAHHH!!! You are FINALLY blogging. I can't wait to read about your life and what all is going on in your crazy world. Make sure you keep us updated on what Bobby is up to too. I don't get to hear any "Wisdom stories" that often anymore. I kinda miss the guy. :-)

Let me know if you need help with the song list. It is fun add and change things on your blog. It will become addicting.

Can't wait to keep checking everything out!!